Sr. No. | Main Verb | हिंदी में अर्थ | V2 | V3 |
1 | Abash | लज्जित करना | Abashed | Abashed |
2 | Abate | रोक- थाम करना | Abated | Abated |
3 | Abide | रहना, टिकना | Abode | Abode |
4 | Absorb | सोख लेना | Absorbed | Absorbed |
5 | Accept | स्वीकार करना | Accepted | Accepted |
6 | Ache | पीड़ा होना | Ached | Ached |
7 | Achieve | हासिल करना | Achieved | Achieved |
8 | Acquire | प्राप्त करना | Acquired | Acquired |
9 | Act | अभिनय करना | Acted | Acted |
10 | Activate | सक्रीय होना | Activated | Activated |
11 | Actuate | उकसाना | Actuated | Actuated |
12 | Add | जोड़ना | Added | Added |
13 | Address | सम्बोधित करना | Addressed | Addressed |
14 | Adjust | सम्बोधित करना | Adjusted | Adjusted |
15 | Admire | प्रशंसा करना | Admired | Admired |
16 | Admit | भर्ती होना, करना | Admitted | Admitted |
17 | Advise | सलाह देना | Advised | Advised |
18 | Affect | प्रभाव डालना | Affected | Affected |
19 | Afford | बर्दाश्त करना | Afforded | Afforded |
20 | Agree | सहमत होना | Agreed | Agreed |
21 | Aim | लक्ष होना, इरादा रखना | Aimed | Aimed |
22 | Alert | चेतावनी देना | Alerted | Alerted |
23 | Alight | प्रदीप्त करना | Alighted | Alighted |
24 | Allow | अनुमति देना | Allowed | Allowed |
25 | Amuse | मन बहलाना | Amused | Amused |
26 | Analyze | विश्लेषण करना | analyzed | analyzed |
27 | Animate | उत्तेजित, चेतन करना | Animated | Animated |
28 | Announce | घोषणा करना | Announced | Announced |
29 | Annoy | सताना, गुस्सा दिलाना | Annoyed | Annoyed |
30 | Answer | उत्तर देना | Answered | Answered |
31 | Apologize | क्षमा मांगना | Apologized | Apologized |
32 | Appear | दिखना, प्रकट होना | Appeared | Appeared |
33 | Applaud | सराहना | Applauded | Applauded |
34 | Apply | लागू करना | Applied | Applied |
35 | Appreciate | सरहना करना | Appreciated | Appreciated |
36 | Approach | निकट आना, प्रस्ताव करना | Approached | Approached |
37 | Approve | मंजूर करना | Approved | Approved |
38 | Argue | बहस करना | Argued | Argued |
39 | Arise | उठना | Arose | Arisen |
40 | Arrange | व्यवस्था करना | Arranged | Arranged |
41 | Arrest | गिरफ्तार करना | Arrested | Arrested |
42 | Ask | पूछना | Asked | Asked |
43 | Assemble | इक्कठा करना | Assembled | Assembled |
44 | Assert | दावा करना, जोर देना | Asserted | Asserted |
45 | Assort | छाटना | Assorted | Assorted |
46 | Assume | मानना | Assumed | Assumed |
47 | Astonish | चकित करना | Astonished | Astonished |
48 | Attach | सलग्न करना | Attached | Attached |
49 | Attack | आक्रमण करना | Attacked | Attacked |
50 | Attain | हासिल, प्राप्त करना | Attained | Attained |
51 | Attempt | प्रयास, प्रयतन करना | Attempted | Attempted |
52 | Attend | भाग लेना | Attended | Attended |
53 | Attract | आकर्षित करना | Attracted | Attracted |
54 | Audit | लेखा- जोखा करना | Audited | Audited |
55 | Avoid | नजरअंदाज | Avoided | Avoided |
56 | Awake | जागना, चोकन्ना | Awoke | Awoken |
57 | Award | पुरष्कार | Awarded | Awarded |
58 | Back | पीछे हटना | Backed | Backed |
59 | Backbite | चुगली करना | Backbit | Backbitten |
60 | Bake | सेंकना | Baked | Baked |
61 | Balance | संतुलन बनाना | Balanced | Balanced |
62 | Ban | प्रतिबन्ध, रोक लगाना | Banned | Banned |
63 | Bang | गरजना | Banged | Banged |
64 | Banish | निर्वासित करना | Banished | Banished |
65 | Bare | नगन करना | Bared | Bared |
66 | Bark | भौकना | Barked | Barked |
67 | Bash | जोरसे मारना | Bashed | Bashed |
68 | Bat | बल्लेबाजी करना | Batted | Batted |
69 | Bathe | स्नान करना | Bathed | Bathed |
70 | Battle | युद्ध करना | Battled | Battled |
71 | Be | होना | Was | Been |
72 | Beam | प्रकाश डालना | Beamed | Beamed |
73 | Bear | सहना, सहन करना | Bore | Borne |
74 | Beat | हराना | Beat | Beaten |
75 | Beautify | सुशोभित करना | Beautified | Beautified |
76 | Become | होना | Became | Become |
77 | Befall | घटित होना, बीतना | Befell | Befallen |
78 | Beg | भीख में मांगना | Begged | Begged |
79 | Beget | पैदा करना, प्रजनन करना | Begot | Begotten |
80 | Begin | प्रारम्भ, शुरू करना | Began | Begun |
81 | Behave | बर्ताव करना | Behaved | Behaved |
82 | Behold | ध्यान से देखना, निहारना | Beheld | Beheld |
83 | Believe | मानना | Believed | Believed |
84 | Belong | निवासी होना, सम्बन्ध रखना | Belonged | Belonged |
85 | Bend | झुकना | Bent | Bent |
86 | Benefit | लाभ होना | Benefitted | Benefitted |
87 | Bereave | वंचित करना | Bereaved | Bereaved |
88 | Beseech | प्रार्थना करना | Besought | Besought |
89 | Bestow | प्रदान करना | Bestowed | Bestowed |
90 | Bet | शर्त लगाना | Bet | Bet |
91 | Betray | प्रकट करना | Betrayed | Betrayed |
92 | Bias | पक्षपात करना | Biased | Biased |
93 | Bid | बोली लगाना | Bade | Bidden |
94 | Bind | बांधना, जकडना | Bound | Bound |
95 | Bite | कांटना | Bit | Bitten |
96 | Bleed | खून बहना | Bled | Bled |
97 | Bless | आशीर्वाद देना | Blessed | Blessed |
98 | Blind | अंधा, धुंधला कर देना | Blinded | Blinded |
99 | Blink | पलक झपकना | Blinked | Blinked |
100 | Block | बंद कर देना | Blocked | Blocked |
Verb & Adverb 1000+
Introduction to Verbs
A verb is a fundamental part of speech that denotes an action, occurrence, or state of being within a sentence. Verbs are crucial for conveying the dynamics of an action or the existence of a subject. They play a central role in sentence construction, providing the necessary action or linking elements.
Types Of Verbs
Action Verbs: These express physical or mental actions. Examples include “run,” “think,” or “write.”
Linking Verbs: These connect the subject to a subject complement, describing a state of being. Common linking verbs include “is,” “am,” and “appear.”
Auxiliary (Helping) Verbs: These assist the main verb in conveying nuances such as tense or mood. Examples include “is,” “have,” and “will.”
Verb Tense:- Verbs can exist in various tenses, indicating the time of the action or state. Common tenses include past, present, and future. Examples of tense variations: “walk” (present), “walked” (past), “will walk” (future).
Subject-Verb Agreement:-Verbs must agree with their subjects in terms of number (singular or plural). For instance, “He walks” (singular) vs. “They walk” (plural).
Transitive and Intransitive Verbs
Transitive Verb:- These require a direct object to complete their meaning. Example: “She eats an apple.”
Intransitive Verb:- These do not require a direct object. Example: “He sleeps.”