Verb & Adverb 1000+

Introduction to Verbs

A verb is a fundamental part of speech that denotes an action, occurrence, or state of being within a sentence. Verbs are crucial for conveying the dynamics of an action or the existence of a subject. They play a central role in sentence construction, providing the necessary action or linking elements.

Types Of Verbs

Action Verbs: These express physical or mental actions. Examples include “run,” “think,” or “write.”
Linking Verbs: These connect the subject to a subject complement, describing a state of being. Common linking verbs include “is,” “am,” and “appear.”
Auxiliary (Helping) Verbs: These assist the main verb in conveying nuances such as tense or mood. Examples include “is,” “have,” and “will.”

Verb Tense:- Verbs can exist in various tenses, indicating the time of the action or state. Common tenses include past, present, and future. Examples of tense variations: “walk” (present), “walked” (past), “will walk” (future).

Subject-Verb Agreement:-Verbs must agree with their subjects in terms of number (singular or plural). For instance, “He walks” (singular) vs. “They walk” (plural).

Transitive and Intransitive Verbs

Transitive Verb:- These require a direct object to complete their meaning. Example: “She eats an apple.”

Intransitive Verb:- These do not require a direct object. Example: “He sleeps.”

Sr. No.Main Verbहिंदी में अर्थV2V3
1Abashलज्जित करनाAbashedAbashed
2Abateरोक- थाम करनाAbatedAbated
3Abideरहना, टिकनाAbodeAbode
4Absorbसोख लेनाAbsorbedAbsorbed
5Acceptस्वीकार करनाAcceptedAccepted
6Acheपीड़ा होनाAchedAched
7Achieveहासिल करनाAchievedAchieved
8Acquireप्राप्त करनाAcquiredAcquired
9Actअभिनय करनाActedActed
10Activateसक्रीय होनाActivatedActivated
13Addressसम्बोधित करनाAddressedAddressed
14Adjustसम्बोधित करनाAdjustedAdjusted
15Admireप्रशंसा करनाAdmiredAdmired
16Admitभर्ती होना, करनाAdmittedAdmitted
17Adviseसलाह देनाAdvisedAdvised
18Affectप्रभाव डालनाAffectedAffected
19Affordबर्दाश्त करनाAffordedAfforded
20Agreeसहमत होनाAgreedAgreed
21Aimलक्ष होना, इरादा रखनाAimedAimed
22Alertचेतावनी देनाAlertedAlerted
23Alightप्रदीप्त करनाAlightedAlighted
24Allowअनुमति देनाAllowedAllowed
25Amuseमन बहलानाAmusedAmused
26Analyzeविश्लेषण करनाanalyzedanalyzed
27Animateउत्तेजित, चेतन करनाAnimatedAnimated
28Announceघोषणा करनाAnnouncedAnnounced
29Annoyसताना, गुस्सा दिलानाAnnoyedAnnoyed
30Answerउत्तर देनाAnsweredAnswered
31Apologizeक्षमा मांगनाApologizedApologized
32Appearदिखना, प्रकट होनाAppearedAppeared
34Applyलागू करनाAppliedApplied
35Appreciateसरहना करनाAppreciatedAppreciated
36Approachनिकट आना, प्रस्ताव करनाApproachedApproached
37Approveमंजूर करनाApprovedApproved
38Argueबहस करनाArguedArgued
40Arrangeव्यवस्था करनाArrangedArranged
41Arrestगिरफ्तार करनाArrestedArrested
43Assembleइक्कठा करनाAssembledAssembled
44Assertदावा करना, जोर देनाAssertedAsserted
47Astonishचकित करनाAstonishedAstonished
48Attachसलग्न करनाAttachedAttached
49Attackआक्रमण करनाAttackedAttacked
50Attainहासिल, प्राप्त करनाAttainedAttained
51Attemptप्रयास, प्रयतन करनाAttemptedAttempted
52Attendभाग लेनाAttendedAttended
53Attractआकर्षित करनाAttractedAttracted
54Auditलेखा- जोखा करनाAuditedAudited
56Awakeजागना, चोकन्नाAwokeAwoken
58Backपीछे हटनाBackedBacked
59Backbiteचुगली करनाBackbitBackbitten
61Balanceसंतुलन बनानाBalancedBalanced
62Banप्रतिबन्ध, रोक लगानाBannedBanned
64Banishनिर्वासित करनाBanishedBanished
65Bareनगन करनाBaredBared
67Bashजोरसे मारनाBashedBashed
68Batबल्लेबाजी करनाBattedBatted
69Batheस्नान करनाBathedBathed
70Battleयुद्ध करनाBattledBattled
72Beamप्रकाश डालनाBeamedBeamed
73Bearसहना, सहन करनाBoreBorne
75Beautifyसुशोभित करनाBeautifiedBeautified
77Befallघटित होना, बीतनाBefellBefallen
78Begभीख में मांगनाBeggedBegged
79Begetपैदा करना, प्रजनन करनाBegotBegotten
80Beginप्रारम्भ, शुरू करनाBeganBegun
81Behaveबर्ताव करनाBehavedBehaved
82Beholdध्यान से देखना, निहारनाBeheldBeheld
84Belongनिवासी होना, सम्बन्ध रखनाBelongedBelonged
86Benefitलाभ होनाBenefittedBenefitted
87Bereaveवंचित करनाBereavedBereaved
88Beseechप्रार्थना करनाBesoughtBesought
89Bestowप्रदान करनाBestowedBestowed
90Betशर्त लगानाBetBet
91Betrayप्रकट करनाBetrayedBetrayed
92Biasपक्षपात करनाBiasedBiased
93Bidबोली लगानाBadeBidden
94Bindबांधना, जकडनाBoundBound
96Bleedखून बहनाBledBled
97Blessआशीर्वाद देनाBlessedBlessed
98Blindअंधा, धुंधला कर देनाBlindedBlinded
99Blinkपलक झपकनाBlinkedBlinked
100Blockबंद कर देनाBlockedBlocked