Sr. No. | Main Verb | हिंदी में अर्थ | V2 | V3 |
701 | March | निकालना, हटाना | Marched | Marched |
702 | Mark | निशान लगाना | Marked | Marked |
703 | Marry | विवाह करना | Married | Married |
704 | Mash | मसलना | Mashed | Mashed |
705 | Match | मेल खाना | Matched | Matched |
706 | Matter | महत्वपूर्ण बात होना | Mattered | Mattered |
707 | Mean | मतलब होना | Meant | Meant |
708 | Measure | मापना | Measured | Measured |
709 | Meddle | दखल देना | Meddled | Meddled |
710 | Meet | मिलना | Met | Met |
711 | Melt | पिघलाना | Melted | Melted |
712 | Memories | याद करना | Memorised | Memorised |
713 | Mend | ठीक करना | Mended | Mended |
714 | Merge | विलय होना | Merged | Merged |
715 | Mew | म्याऊ करना | Mewed | Mewed |
716 | Migrate | स्थानांतर करना | Migrated | Migrated |
717 | Milk | दूध देना | Milked | Milked |
718 | Mind | याद करना, ध्यान देना | Minded | Minded |
719 | Mind | ध्यान में रखना | Minded | Minded |
720 | Mingle | घुल- मिल जाना | Mingled | Mingled |
721 | Mislead | भटकाना | Misled | Misled |
722 | Miss | खोना, छोड़ना | Missed | Missed |
723 | Mistake | गलती करना | Mistook | Mistaken |
724 | Misunderstand | गलत समझना | Misunderstood | Misunderstood |
725 | Misuse | दुरुपयोग करना | Misused | Misused |
726 | Mix | मिलाना | Mixed | Mixed |
727 | Moan | शोक करना | Moaned | Moaned |
728 | Modify | रूपांतरित करना | Modified | Modified |
729 | Moo | राभना | Mooed | Mooed |
730 | Moor | लंगर डालना | Moored | Moored |
731 | Motivate | प्रेरित करना | Motivated | Motivated |
732 | Mould | ढालना | Moulded | Moulded |
733 | Moult | गिरना | Moulted | Moulted |
734 | Mount | चढ़ना | Mounted | Mounted |
735 | Mourn | उदास होना | Mourned | Mourned |
736 | Move | हिलना | Moved | Moved |
737 | Mow | घास काटना | Mowed | Mown/Mowed |
738 | Muddle | गलती करना | Muddled | Muddled |
739 | Mug | रटना, मुँह बनाना | Mugged | Mugged |
740 | Multiply | गुणा करना | Multiplied | Multiplied |
741 | Murmur | बड़बड़ाना | Murmured | Murmured |
742 | Nail | कील लगाना | Nailed | Nailed |
743 | Nap | झपकी लेना | Napped | Napped |
744 | Need | जर्रूरत होना | Needed | Needed |
745 | Neglect | परवा न करना | Neglected | Neglected |
746 | Nest | घोसला बनाना | Nested | Nested |
747 | Nip | तबाह करना | Nipped | Nipped |
748 | Nod | हिला देना | Nodded | Nodded |
749 | Note | लिख देना | Noted | Noted |
750 | Notice | सुचना देना | Noticed | Noticed |
751 | Notify | सूचित करना | Notified | Notified |
752 | Nourish | पोषण करना | Nourished | Nourished |
753 | Nurse | उपचार करना | Nursed | Nursed |
754 | Obey | आज्ञापालन करना | Obeyed | Obeyed |
755 | Object | विरोध करना | Objected | Objected |
756 | Oblige | मजबूर करना, लाचार करना | Obliged | Obliged |
757 | Observe | ध्यान से देखना | Observed | Observed |
758 | Obstruct | रोकना, बाधा डालना | Obstructed | Obstructed |
759 | Obtain | प्राप्त करना | Obtained | Obtained |
760 | Occupy | कब्ज़ा करना | Occupied | Occupied |
761 | Occur | घट जाना | Occurred | Occurred |
762 | Offend | प्रस्ताव करना | Offended | Offended |
763 | Offer | पेश करना | Offered | Offered |
764 | Offset | बराबर कर देना | Offset | Offset |
765 | Omit | छोड़ देना | Omitted | Omitted |
766 | Ooze | रस निकालना | Oozed | Oozed |
767 | Open | खोलना | Opened | Opened |
768 | Operate | संचालित करना | Operated | Operated |
769 | Opine | समझना | Opined | Opined |
770 | Oppress | जुल्म करना | Oppressed | Oppressed |
771 | Opt | विकल्प करना | Opted | Opted |
772 | Optimize | अनुकूलित करना | Optimized | Optimized |
773 | Order | आज्ञा करना, आदेश देना | Ordered | Ordered |
774 | Organize | संगठित करना | Organized | Organized |
775 | Originate | पैदा करना | Originated | Originated |
776 | Output | आउटपुट देना | Output | Output |
777 | Overact | बढ़ा- चढ़ाकर बयान करना | Overacted | Overacted |
778 | Overcharge | अधिक दाम लगाना | Overcharged | Overcharged |
779 | Overcome | विजयी होना | Overcame | Overcome |
780 | Overdraw | जमा किये हुए से अधिक रुपए निकालना | Overdrew | Overdrawn |
781 | Overflow | बाढ़ आना | Overflowed | Overflowed |
782 | Overhear | चुपके से सुनना | Overheard | Overheard |
783 | Overtake | आगे निकलना | Overtook | Overtaken |
784 | Owe | देनदार होना | Owed | Owed |
785 | Own | स्वामी होना | Owned | Owned |
786 | Pacify | शांत करना | Pacified | Pacified |
787 | Pack | पैकिंग करना | Packed | Packed |
788 | Paddle | नाव चलाना | Paddled | Paddled |
789 | Paint | रंग चढ़ाना | Painted | Painted |
790 | Pardon | माफ़ करना | Pardoned | pardoned |
791 | Part | विभाग करना | Parted | Parted |
792 | Partake | हिस्सा लेना | Partook | Partaken |
793 | Participate | भाग लेना | Participated | Participated |
794 | Pass | सफल होना | Passed | Passed |
795 | Paste | चिपकाना | Pasted | Pasted |
796 | Pat | थपथपाना | Patted | Patted |
797 | Patch | मरम्मत करना | Patched | Patched |
798 | Pause | रुकना | Paused | Paused |
799 | Pay | भुगतान करना | Paid | Paid |
800 | Peck | चुगना | Pecked | Pecked |
Verb & Adverb 1000+
Introduction to Verbs
A verb is a fundamental part of speech that denotes an action, occurrence, or state of being within a sentence. Verbs are crucial for conveying the dynamics of an action or the existence of a subject. They play a central role in sentence construction, providing the necessary action or linking elements.
Types Of Verbs
Action Verbs: These express physical or mental actions. Examples include “run,” “think,” or “write.”
Linking Verbs: These connect the subject to a subject complement, describing a state of being. Common linking verbs include “is,” “am,” and “appear.”
Auxiliary (Helping) Verbs: These assist the main verb in conveying nuances such as tense or mood. Examples include “is,” “have,” and “will.”
Verb Tense:- Verbs can exist in various tenses, indicating the time of the action or state. Common tenses include past, present, and future. Examples of tense variations: “walk” (present), “walked” (past), “will walk” (future).
Subject-Verb Agreement:-Verbs must agree with their subjects in terms of number (singular or plural). For instance, “He walks” (singular) vs. “They walk” (plural).
Transitive and Intransitive Verbs
Transitive Verb:- These require a direct object to complete their meaning. Example: “She eats an apple.”
Intransitive Verb:- These do not require a direct object. Example: “He sleeps.”