Verb & Adverb 1000+

Introduction to Verbs

A verb is a fundamental part of speech that denotes an action, occurrence, or state of being within a sentence. Verbs are crucial for conveying the dynamics of an action or the existence of a subject. They play a central role in sentence construction, providing the necessary action or linking elements.

Types Of Verbs

Action Verbs: These express physical or mental actions. Examples include “run,” “think,” or “write.”
Linking Verbs: These connect the subject to a subject complement, describing a state of being. Common linking verbs include “is,” “am,” and “appear.”
Auxiliary (Helping) Verbs: These assist the main verb in conveying nuances such as tense or mood. Examples include “is,” “have,” and “will.”

Verb Tense:- Verbs can exist in various tenses, indicating the time of the action or state. Common tenses include past, present, and future. Examples of tense variations: “walk” (present), “walked” (past), “will walk” (future).

Subject-Verb Agreement:-Verbs must agree with their subjects in terms of number (singular or plural). For instance, “He walks” (singular) vs. “They walk” (plural).

Transitive and Intransitive Verbs

Transitive Verb:- These require a direct object to complete their meaning. Example: “She eats an apple.”

Intransitive Verb:- These do not require a direct object. Example: “He sleeps.”

Sr. No.Main Verbहिंदी में अर्थV2V3
701Marchनिकालना, हटानाMarchedMarched
702Markनिशान लगानाMarkedMarked
703Marryविवाह करनाMarriedMarried
705Matchमेल खानाMatchedMatched
706Matterमहत्वपूर्ण बात होनाMatteredMattered
707Meanमतलब होनाMeantMeant
709Meddleदखल देनाMeddledMeddled
712Memoriesयाद करनाMemorisedMemorised
713Mendठीक करनाMendedMended
714Mergeविलय होनाMergedMerged
715Mewम्याऊ करनाMewedMewed
716Migrateस्थानांतर करनाMigratedMigrated
717Milkदूध देनाMilkedMilked
718Mindयाद करना, ध्यान देनाMindedMinded
719Mindध्यान में रखनाMindedMinded
720Mingleघुल- मिल जानाMingledMingled
722Missखोना, छोड़नाMissedMissed
723Mistakeगलती करनाMistookMistaken
724Misunderstandगलत समझनाMisunderstoodMisunderstood
725Misuseदुरुपयोग करनाMisusedMisused
727Moanशोक करनाMoanedMoaned
728Modifyरूपांतरित करनाModifiedModified
730Moorलंगर डालनाMooredMoored
731Motivateप्रेरित करनाMotivatedMotivated
735Mournउदास होनाMournedMourned
737Mowघास काटनाMowedMown/Mowed
738Muddleगलती करनाMuddledMuddled
739Mugरटना, मुँह बनानाMuggedMugged
740Multiplyगुणा करनाMultipliedMultiplied
742Nailकील लगानाNailedNailed
743Napझपकी लेनाNappedNapped
744Needजर्रूरत होनाNeededNeeded
745Neglectपरवा न करनाNeglectedNeglected
746Nestघोसला बनानाNestedNested
747Nipतबाह करनाNippedNipped
748Nodहिला देनाNoddedNodded
749Noteलिख देनाNotedNoted
750Noticeसुचना देनाNoticedNoticed
751Notifyसूचित करनाNotifiedNotified
752Nourishपोषण करनाNourishedNourished
753Nurseउपचार करनाNursedNursed
754Obeyआज्ञापालन करनाObeyedObeyed
755Objectविरोध करनाObjectedObjected
756Obligeमजबूर करना, लाचार करनाObligedObliged
757Observeध्यान से देखनाObservedObserved
758Obstructरोकना, बाधा डालनाObstructedObstructed
759Obtainप्राप्त करनाObtainedObtained
760Occupyकब्ज़ा करनाOccupiedOccupied
761Occurघट जानाOccurredOccurred
762Offendप्रस्ताव करनाOffendedOffended
763Offerपेश करनाOfferedOffered
764Offsetबराबर कर देनाOffsetOffset
765Omitछोड़ देनाOmittedOmitted
766Oozeरस निकालनाOozedOozed
768Operateसंचालित करनाOperatedOperated
770Oppressजुल्म करनाOppressedOppressed
771Optविकल्प करनाOptedOpted
772Optimizeअनुकूलित करनाOptimizedOptimized
773Orderआज्ञा करना, आदेश देनाOrderedOrdered
774Organizeसंगठित करनाOrganizedOrganized
775Originateपैदा करनाOriginatedOriginated
776Outputआउटपुट देनाOutputOutput
777Overactबढ़ा- चढ़ाकर बयान करनाOveractedOveracted
778Overchargeअधिक दाम लगानाOverchargedOvercharged
779Overcomeविजयी होनाOvercameOvercome
780Overdrawजमा किये हुए से अधिक रुपए निकालनाOverdrewOverdrawn
781Overflowबाढ़ आनाOverflowedOverflowed
782Overhearचुपके से सुननाOverheardOverheard
783Overtakeआगे निकलनाOvertookOvertaken
784Oweदेनदार होनाOwedOwed
785Ownस्वामी होनाOwnedOwned
786Pacifyशांत करनाPacifiedPacified
787Packपैकिंग करनाPackedPacked
788Paddleनाव चलानाPaddledPaddled
789Paintरंग चढ़ानाPaintedPainted
790Pardonमाफ़ करनाPardonedpardoned
791Partविभाग करनाPartedParted
792Partakeहिस्सा लेनाPartookPartaken
793Participateभाग लेनाParticipatedParticipated
794Passसफल होनाPassedPassed
797Patchमरम्मत करनाPatchedPatched
799Payभुगतान करनाPaidPaid