Sr. No. | Main Verb | हिंदी में अर्थ | V2 | V3 |
101 | Blossom | खिलना | Blossomed | Blossomed |
102 | Blot | धब्बा, दाग लगाना | Blotted | Blotted |
103 | Blow | उड़ाना, आघात करना | Blew | Blown |
104 | Blur | धुंधला कर देना | Blurred | Blurred |
105 | Blush | शर्माना | Blushed | Blushed |
106 | Board | चढ़ना | Boarded | Boarded |
107 | Boast | बढ़- बढ़कर बाते करना | Boasted | Boasted |
108 | Boil | उबालना | Boiled | Boiled |
109 | Boost | तेज करना, बढ़ावा | Boosted | Boosted |
110 | Bore | उबा देना, दुखी करना | Bored | Bored |
111 | Borrow | उधार लेना | Borrowed | Borrowed |
112 | Bounce | उछालना | Bounced | Bounced |
113 | Brace | संभालना | Braced | Braced |
114 | Brake | रोकना | Braked | Braked |
115 | Branch | विभाजित होना | Branched | Branched |
116 | Bray | मसलना, चूर करना | Brayed | Brayed |
117 | Break | तोडना | Broke | Broken |
118 | Breathe | साँस लेना | Breathed | Breathed |
119 | Breed | नस्ल बढ़ाना, पालन- पोषण करना | Bred | Bred |
120 | Brew | शराब बनाना | Brewed | Brewed |
121 | Brief | संक्षिप्त करना | Briefed | Briefed |
122 | Bring | लाना | Brought | Brought |
123 | Broadcast | प्रसारित करना | Broadcast | Broadcast |
124 | Broaden | व्यापक बनाना | Broadened | Broadened |
125 | Browbeat | धमकाना | Browbeat | Browbeat |
126 | Bruise | चोट लगाना | Bruised | Bruised |
127 | Brush | ब्रस करना | Brushed | Brushed |
128 | Build | निर्माण करना | Built | Built |
129 | Burn | जलाना | Burnt | Burnt |
130 | Burst | फटना, फोड़ना | Burst | Burst |
131 | Bury | दफनाना, गाढ़ देना | Buried | Buried |
132 | Bust | छापा मारना | Bust | Bust |
133 | Buy | खरीदना | Bought | Bought |
134 | Buzz | भनभनाना | Buzzed | Buzzed |
135 | Calculate | हिसाब लगाना, अनुमान लगाना | Calculated | Calculated |
136 | Calibrate | मापना | Calibrated | Calibrated |
137 | Call | पुकारना, बुलाना | Called | Called |
138 | Canvass | जांचना/परखना, वोट/चंदा मांगना | Canvassed | Canvassed |
139 | Capture | पकड़ना | Captured | Captured |
140 | Care | चिंता करना, देखभाल करना | Cared | Cared |
141 | Caress | हाथ फेरना | Caressed | Caressed |
142 | Carry | ले जाना | Carried | Carried |
143 | Carve | काटना | Carved | Carved |
144 | Cash | नकद | Cashed | Cashed |
145 | Cast | पछाड़ना | Cast | Cast |
146 | Catch | पकड़ना, झेलना | Caught | Caught |
147 | Cause | कारण होना, कारण बनना | Caused | Caused |
148 | Cease | रोकना/ समाप्त करना | Ceased | Ceased |
149 | Celebrate | उत्सव मनाना | Celebrated | Celebrated |
150 | Chain | जकड देना | Chained | Chained |
151 | Challenge | चुनौती देना | Challenged | Challenged |
152 | Change | बदलना | Changed | Changed |
153 | Charge | दाम लगाना | Charged | Charged |
154 | Chase | पीछा करना | Chased | Chased |
155 | Chat | गपशप करना | Chatted | Chatted |
156 | Cheat | ठगना, फ़साना | Cheated | Cheated |
157 | Check | जांचना | Checked | Checked |
158 | Cheer | साहस बढ़ाना | Cheered | Cheered |
159 | Chew | चबाना | Chewed | Chewed |
160 | Chide | डांटना | Chid | Chidden |
161 | Chill | ठंडा होना | Chilled | Chilled |
162 | Chip | तोडना | Chipped | Chipped |
163 | Choke | गला/दम घोटना | Choked | Choked |
164 | Choose | चुनना | Chose | Chosen |
165 | Chop | तुकडे करना | Chopped | Chopped |
166 | Circulate | फैलाना | Circulated | Circulated |
167 | Claim | दावा करना | Claimed | Claimed |
168 | Clap | ताली बजाना | Clapped | Clapped |
169 | Classify | वर्गीकरण करना | Classified | Classified |
170 | Clean | सांफ करना | Cleaned | Cleaned |
171 | Clear | निर्मल करना | Cleared | Cleared |
172 | Cleave | फोड़ना | Clove | Cloven |
173 | Click | ऊँगली से टपटपाना | Clicked | Clicked |
174 | Climb | चढ़ना | Climbed | Climbed |
175 | Cling | लिपटना | Clung | Clung |
176 | Close | बंद करना | Closed | Closed |
177 | Clothe | ढकना | Clad | Clad |
178 | Club | जोड़कर रखना | Clubbed | Clubbed |
179 | Clue | संकेत देना | Clued | Clued |
180 | Clutch | पकड़ | Clutched | Clutched |
181 | Coach | गुण सीखना | Coached | Coached |
182 | Coil | लपेटना | Coiled | Coiled |
183 | Collapse | भहरना | Collapsed | Collapsed |
184 | Collect | जमा करना | Collected | Collected |
185 | Color | रंगना | Colored | Colored |
186 | Comb | कंघी करना | Combed | Combed |
187 | Come | आना | Came | Come |
188 | Comment | टिपण्णी करना | Commented | Commented |
189 | Commission | नियुक्त करना | Commissioned | Commissioned |
190 | Commit | वादा करना | Committed | Committed |
191 | Communicate | सम्पर्क करना | Communicated | Communicated |
192 | Compare | तुलना करना | Compared | Compared |
193 | Compel | दबाव डालना | Compelled | Compelled |
194 | Compete | मुकाबला करना | Competed | Competed |
195 | Complain | शिकायत करना | Complained | Complained |
196 | Complete | समाप्त करना | Completed | Completed |
197 | Conceive | कल्पना करना | Conceived | Conceived |
198 | Concentrate | ध्यान देना | Concentrated | Concentrated |
199 | Concern | दिलचस्पी लेना | Concerned | Concerned |
200 | Conclude | निष्कर्ष निकालना | Concluded | Concluded |
Verb & Adverb 1000+
Introduction to Verbs
A verb is a fundamental part of speech that denotes an action, occurrence, or state of being within a sentence. Verbs are crucial for conveying the dynamics of an action or the existence of a subject. They play a central role in sentence construction, providing the necessary action or linking elements.
Types Of Verbs
Action Verbs: These express physical or mental actions. Examples include “run,” “think,” or “write.”
Linking Verbs: These connect the subject to a subject complement, describing a state of being. Common linking verbs include “is,” “am,” and “appear.”
Auxiliary (Helping) Verbs: These assist the main verb in conveying nuances such as tense or mood. Examples include “is,” “have,” and “will.”
Verb Tense:- Verbs can exist in various tenses, indicating the time of the action or state. Common tenses include past, present, and future. Examples of tense variations: “walk” (present), “walked” (past), “will walk” (future).
Subject-Verb Agreement:-Verbs must agree with their subjects in terms of number (singular or plural). For instance, “He walks” (singular) vs. “They walk” (plural).
Transitive and Intransitive Verbs
Transitive Verb:- These require a direct object to complete their meaning. Example: “She eats an apple.”
Intransitive Verb:- These do not require a direct object. Example: “He sleeps.”