Computer Shortcut Keys

  1. Alt + F – For File menu option in the current program.
  2. Alt + E – for edit option in the current program.
  3. F1- Universal Help.
  4. Ctrl + A – To select all text.
  5. Ctrl + X – To cut the selected item.
  6. Ctrl + Del – To delete the selected item.
  7. Ctrl + C – To copy the selected item.
  8. Ctrl + V – To paste the selected item.
  9. Home – This takes the user to the beginning of the current line.
  10. Ctrl + Home – Moves to the beginning of the document.
  11. Ctrl + End – Moves to the end of the document.
  12. Shift + Home – Highlights from the current position to the beginning of the line.
  13. Shift + End – Highlights from the current position to the end of the line.
  14. Ctrl + (Left arrow) – It moves left one word at a time.
  15. Ctrl + (Right arrow) – It moves right one word at a time…